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A selection of the most important news and updates regarding our company, products and local distributors


Novatech Controls and Conflict Minerals

It would be easy to pretend that events taking place on another continent have little meaning to the greater global community, but in certain instances, this could not be further from the truth.  The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in central Africa may not immediately spring to mind when you think of electronic equipment, but without the natural resources mined within its borders, electronics as we know it would be very different.


The global demand for consumer electronics is experiencing record growth, and forecast to continue this trend for the foreseeable future.  To meet this demand, manufacturers need to secure the natural resources and minerals required to produce their products.

The DRC in central Africa is situated in a region abundant in natural resources, some of which are rare and highly valuable, especially for the manufacture of certain electronic parts.  It is also a country that has for generations struggled with political instability, corruption and exploitation.  The combination of which has lead to such levels of human rights violations that many countries have introduced laws that require companies to audit their supply chains to identify and eliminate ‘conflict minerals’ from their product range.

As a manufacturer of electronic equipment Novatech Controls feels strongly that we must do our part to support the conflict-free initiatives in place in central Africa.  We must ensure that none of the proceeds from the manufacture or sale of our equipment winds up supporting corruption or funding the perpetrators of crime.

For more information please refer to our Conflict Minerals Policy


Notice to Chinese Customers Regarding Counterfeit Probes and Analysers

Recently it was brought to our attention that one particular Chinese manufacturer is marketing their own range of counterfeit oxygen probes and analysers using our company name and logo.  These products are not designed or manufactured by Novatech Controls, nor do they have our approval or endorsement.

The counterfeit products being sold are known to use inferior quality parts and sensors.

Novatech urges all customers in China to read the advisory notice attached below and to check that their probes and analysers are genuine.  If you have any concerns, please contact either of the two local Chinese distributors listed on our website.


近来我公司发现,一个中国西安无良公司正在使用我们的公司名称和标识销售他们自己的一系列假冒氧化锆探头和氧气分析仪。 这些产品不是由Novatech Controls设计或制造的,也没有得到我们的批准或认可。


Novatech敦促中国所有客户阅读下面的咨询通知,并检查他们的探头和分析仪是否正品。 如果您有任何疑问,请联系我们网站上列出的两家本公司认可中国总代理公司。

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